
Cybercrime and cybersecurity: The need for International Cybersecurity Law

Due to globalisation and the fast-growing development of the internet across the world, the rapid increase in cyberattacks such as cyberespionage and cyberwarfare has made cybercrime a key national security issue.

Due to globalisation and the fast-growing development of the Internet across the world, as well as the new digital technologies and e-commerce in the last two decades, cyberspace represents not only an important platform for today’s economy and information exchange, but also provides opportunities for criminal activities. One major event was the creation of the Silk Road, an online platform that allowed users to use the anonymity provided by the digital currencies (such as bitcoin) to launder money, sell drugs, weapons and initiate other criminal acts. Another way in which technology can be put to wrong use is as a means for criminals to attack and generate harm to governments, individuals and companies. In fact, the rapid increase in cyberattacks by hackers, non-nation actors, terrorist groups and others over the past decades, has made cybercrime a key national security issue.

Gaining unauthorized access to personal information of individuals and/or governmental data and services through computer hacking is not only a crime in itself, but also facilitates other criminal activity such as cyberwarfare and cyberespionage. The latter can also be coupled with cyberterrorism, since both have been used as a political medium motivated by ideological, religious and/or political beliefs that may vary by group or region. Two major cybercriminal groups motivated by different political and ideological beliefs are Anonymous and Da’esh, the latter an extremist Islamist terrorist group also known as the Islamic State (IS). Both have been using cyberspace through social media platforms to spread their beliefs and political opinions, send threats to governments, take accountability for terrorist activities, lead rebel social movements, and in the case of Da’esh (and previously the religious terrorist group ‘Al Qaeda’) recruit jihadists. In the case of the military, political cyberespionage can be fatally dangerous, since accessing sensitive and confidential military information can seriously limit the armed forces’ response to national security threats as well as diminish its defence strategy and action.

The borderless nature of cyberspace makes it difficult for law enforcement to respond to crime and deviance. The lack of training and knowledge with regard to cybercrime by local police agencies and personnel as well as the lack of regulations on cybercrime, coupled with the rise in cyberattacks in recent years, has led governments to create specialised security agencies and units and enhance their role in investigating international cybercrime. The United States of America was the first to do so. A perfect example would be the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its National Security Branch (NSB) to investigate cybercrime, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to coordinate effective cybersecurity strategies. For that, a number of laws have been passed in recent years, such as the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative of 2008, the Cybersecurity Workforce Act of 2014, the National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection Act of 2014 and the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015.

Because cybercrime is affecting the security of states, understanding the context in which politics and international affairs occur is key, as countries’ national security interests are usually very divergent. This would probably set a boundary for an international agreement on the creation of a common International Cybersecurity Law. Also, the rise in cyberattacks over the years sheds light on the threats and seriousness of this rising criminal behaviour which needs an urgent international response. Hence, since cyberspace and cybersecurity are not limited to national borders, the question of how international cybersecurity law can respond to cybercrime can be answered by reflecting on the following sub-questions: Is cybercrime perceived as an international threat? If so, what law shall be deemed applicable to cybercrime and cybersecurity? How can the applicable law be enforced? And by which actors?


Charlesneeks CharlesneeksTR

Just found this precious find of a platform and had to share the love. As a tort lawyer, finding a spot packed with useful data is absolute gold. Excited to let you in on my exclusive platform , where personal injury legal meets clear chats. Delve into for a fresh perspective on your entitlements and traversing the legal maze. Raising a glass to finding and legal empowerment.
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Just stumbled upon this jewel of a platform and had to share the love. As a injury attorney, uncovering a location packed with informative data is complete precious. Overjoyed to let you in on my exclusive website , where tort legal meets straightforward discussions. Delve into for a innovative view on your rights and navigating the legislation. Cheers to finding and legal empowerment.
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Charlesneeks CharlesneeksTR

Hey there, legal adventurers Excited to chance upon this incredible platform. Being a personal injury attorney, I appreciate helpful insights. Let me tell you – I've got my own center now, simplifying personal injury law for everyone. Jump in, explore, and let's make legal comprehension a piece of cake.
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Charlesneeks CharlesneeksTR

Hey hi, lawful wanderers! Thrilled to discover this amazing platform. Being a personal injury lawyer, I appreciate practical insights. Just a heads up I've got my own center now, simplifying personal injury law for everyone. Explore, check out, and let's make legal comprehension a piece of cake.
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Simply uncovered this treasure of an website, and I'm over the stars! As a individual harm attorney, owning an reliable reference is essential. Present legal scene is no picnic, and awareness is power. Communicating of that, I've recently created a website to demystify individual harm instances. It's not just legalese; it's your guide to grasping your rights, steering through difficult circumstances, and guaranteeing justice. Dive into the legal world with me—let's create it less daunting jointly.
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Charlesneeks CharlesneeksTR

Hey there, lawful explorers Thrilled to stumble upon this fantastic site. As a personal injury lawyer, I appreciate helpful knowledge. Just a heads up – I've got my own hub now, making simple personal injury law for everyone. Delve into, check out, and let's make legal acknowledgment a snap.
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Charlesneeks CharlesneeksTR

Hey there, lawful explorers! Thrilled to stumble upon this awesome platform. Being a personal injury legal counsel, I appreciate practical insights. Quick heads up I've got my own center now, breaking down personal injury law for everyone. Dive in, check out, and let's make legal grasping a piece of cake.
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Charlesneeks CharlesneeksTR

Hey people! Excited to find this incredible platform! As a personal injury legal counsel, uncovering valuable info is like striking gold. I recently launched my own hub to share specialist views. Believe me, grasping the intricacies of personal injury cases can be a game-changer.
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Merely found this gem of a website, and I'm over the stars! As a individual injury lawyer, having an trusted reference is vital. Today's lawful landscape is no picnic, and awareness is authority. Communicating of which, I've recently formed a site to clarify personal injury cases. It's not legalese; it's one's handbook to understanding one's rights, navigating difficult circumstances, and ensuring justice. Dive into the legal realm with me—let's make it less daunting jointly.
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