Waarom een tweestatusstelsel een slecht idee is Het éénstatusstelsel in het Nederlandse asielrecht is een belangrijke verworvenheid en de omvorming tot een tweestatusstelsel met als enige doel het beperken van gezinshereniging is niet alleen contraproductief, maar is ook nog eens in strijd met de rechten van het kind. Mark Klaassen • June 19, 2023
Why the proposed Dutch ‘two-status’ asylum system is a bad idea The one-status system in Dutch asylum law is an important achievement. Changing it to a two-status system to restrict family reunification is not only counterproductive, but a violation of children’s rights. Mark Klaassen • June 19, 2023
No perspective for unaccompanied minors: The wrong implementation of T.Q. The CJEU ruled in T.Q. that the Dutch policy on unaccompanied minors who do not qualify for international protection is in breach of the EU Returns Directive. New Dutch policy has not corrected this situation. Mark Klaassen • January 14, 2022
The right to regularise irregular residence is a human right The regularisation of irregular migrants is a human right. Having a stable immigration status is a prerequisite for leading a normal life. Article 8 ECHR protects the right to private and family life and can oblige a state to regularise an irregular migrant. Mark Klaassen • November 16, 2020 • 1 comment
The status of UK citizens in the EU after Brexit An important implication of Brexit is the changing position of UK nationals in the EU-27. In this blog I will outline the proposed regulation on visa-free travel and discuss the residence of UK nationals for periods exceeding 90 days in the EU. Mark Klaassen • February 07, 2019 • 2 comments
„Wir sind gekommen, um zu bleiben!“ Under which circumstances can an irregular migrant successfully rely on the right to respect for private life to obtain lawful residence in a host state? Mark Klaassen • June 29, 2018
Unaccompanied children becoming young adults and the right to family reunion The CJEU held in A.S. that family reunification of the parents of an unaccompanied asylum-seeking child should be allowed if the applicant was a minor when the asylum application was lodged. This affects the family reunification policies of Member States. Mark Klaassen • April 24, 2018 • 1 comment
The Committee on the Rights of the Child on Female Genital Mutilation and Non-Refoulement In its first ruling, the Committee on the rights of the Child holds that the deportation of a Somali mother and her baby daughter fearing to undergo FGM would breach Denmark’s obligation to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence. Mark Klaassen and Peter Rodrigues • March 20, 2018
The right to respect for family life in deportation cases: Is the ECtHR taking a step backwards? Immigrants are protected from expulsion by the right to respect for private and family life. But in certain circumstances after a criminal conviction, expulsion may be justified. The ECtHR seems to lower the level of protection in its recent case law. Mark Klaassen and Gerrie Lodder • January 29, 2018